Types of CDL Trainers and How to Deal with Them

Training techniques of CDL trainers may go in several different directions. Being a trainer is as stressful as being a student driver. Dealing with this stress can cause reactions in different people and alter training techniques one way or another.

In this article, I will share some of the more common traits and personalities a CDL trainer might have, and how to deal with them as a student or new driver.

Easygoing Trainer

In this type, the trainer never raises his voice. He gives instruction slowly, lets students make mistakes, allows his students to get out of their zone. The basic thing here is that as long as they don’t hit anything or get ticketed, it’s fine. Mistakes do happen and sometimes, the best way to learn is by making mistakes. It’s not that the easygoing trainer doesn’t care or doesn’t feel any stress, but he finds this method works best to keep everyone calm and thinking clearly.


This kind of trainer is easy to get along with. Even if the student makes mistakes, the trainer’s response will be “no big deal.” Instead of smashing the imaginary brake pedal or grabbing onto the dashboard, the CDL trainer will act like nothing is happening. His approach keeps the student calm and less fearful of making mistakes or being yelled at.


A trainer might seem like he doesn’t care. The student probably won’t get direct instruction and will be left to make their own decisions often than they may have expected to. At times, students might feel as if they are being “thrown to the wolves” with this kind of training. They will frequently seek guidance. Others will feel that they are expected to do things they aren’t ready to do by themselves.

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How to Deal With an Easygoing Trainer

Make sure that you are the one who initiates the communication. Be specific about your concerns most especially to something you are uncomfortable with. If you want to verify something that you did, ask how it was. If it’s incorrect, ask what you could have done differently. Try to be specific also if you need guidance. For example, if you need more practice on downshifting, let your CDL trainer know.

With this type of CDL trainer, you need to be more initiative. Though you may be given plenty of freedom and independence, a specific set of plans and goals may be insufficient. Instructions may only be stated once, so you should really pay attention.

The Aggressive Trainer

Aggressive trainers are very enthusiastic about their job. They have a very specific way of doing things and how they want to get it done. In most cases, they’ll have an outlined plan and will tell you exactly what you need to learn and work on any given day or week. You can expect many instructions, guidance, and micro-management from this kind of CDL trainer.


Aggressive trainers have experience. Since they’ve done it before, they know what works and what doesn’t. They can provide very specific plans on what needs to be done for you to pass the CDL training program. They don’t need to ask you about the expectations and how you’re feeling when it comes to completing tasks.


This type of CDL trainers has one method that fits all mentality. He expects you to know even the smallest details of tasks. There will be times wherein you need to concentrate on multiple assignments which might make you feel uncomfortable.

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How to Deal with the Aggressive Trainer

Pay attention and follow instructions the best you can. The trainers of this kind have specific goals they want you to reach within the deadline. While there may be micromanaging, their methods are often proven to work. This may result in an uncomfortable environment, but this will eventually make you learn at a quicker pace than with the other CDL trainers.

The Emotionally Charged Trainer

This trainer is the one who wears his emotions on his sleeve. You’ll know immediately if you do something that makes him nervous. At times, this trainer may raise his voice and show emotion with body language such as throwing his hands in the air, taking your hand off the shift, or grabbing onto the dashboard. You’ll know instantly if you do something wrong.


A huge aspect of truck driving is being able to think clearly under pressure and manage stress. This is a good thing though as it’s one of the top 3 things a student should master. With this type of trainer, you are forced to learn stress management skills. It’s normal to feel nervous when learning to drive the truck, but this trainer will make you more nervous than usual. At first, this seemed bad. But thinking that having a trainer is temporary, just know that the skills you will learn from him last you a lifetime and will make a better driver overall.


The emotionally charged trainer may have difficulty telling specifically what’s making him nervous or what he wants you to do.  Breakdowns during communication sometimes occur. Hence, this increases the levels of stress for both the student and the trainer. Arguments happen which lead to more shouting and more stress. 

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How to Deal with an Emotionally Charged Trainer

First, you must understand why the trainer is yelling.  Not all times yelling equates to being upset or angry. Sometimes, it’s the trainer’s way for him to deal with the stress. Being in a truck and allowing the new driver to take control of the wheels is a frightening experience. So, don’t take the yelling personally. Communicate calmly and explain what you are doing or planning on doing. This helps reduce uncertainties and prepares the trainer for what you are about to do. This way, you’re able to acknowledge the trainer and note what to discuss later when emotions are calm down.

Companies Care About Their Training

There are rumors circling the internet that trucking companies who operate their own CDL training programs only want profit. This is false. Companies can only make money once you work for them. When they train their students, they want their graduates to be safe and courteous drivers and work with the company longer.

Though trainers may have different personalities and you need to adapt to their training style, you should not think of any negative or illegal activities with them. Remember that each individual deals with that stress differently. Just know that your chosen CDL training resource only wants you to succeed. 

So get out there, get through your CDL training. Before you know it, you’ll be driving your own truck down the road!

Joel Curtis

Joel Curtis from Texas is a 30-year veteran in the trucking industry. He's driven refrigerated, flatbed, tankers, intermodals and more. You can find him as the primary author at America's Driving Force and at industry events.

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