22 Tips to Keep Truck Drivers Awake Throughout the Day

Before you go for a long drive, make sure you are well-rested. If at a point you become drowsy while driving, just pulls over. Taking a power nap for 30 minutes will do the trick.

Studies show that taking a less than hour nap provides you with enough energy to be awake for more extended periods of time. Make sure to find a safe place to park and take your nap.

In this article, you will find hacks that will help you stay awake as a truck driver. It would help to take some notes while reading this.

1. Ensure that You Had Enough Rest Before Driving

You need to start thinking of taking a nap when you are feeling tired or drowsy. Remember that it is possible to fall asleep accidentally. In just 3 seconds of doing it is very dangerous.

The reaction time plus the actual stopping time of the vehicle takes 5 to 6 seconds. It can take a bit longer when you are using a semi-truck. That said, ensure that you have plenty of rest before beginning your drive.

2. Take 30 to 40-Minute Power Nap

Along with the previous tip, taking a nap time will also help your body, mind, and soul. These will give you energy from natural rest. Being well-rested before going on a drive is key to your safety and of others.

Did you know that tiredness feeling while driving is comparable to drunk driving? There’s research from the Discovery Channel that considered drunk driving as “impaired driving.”

It is listed here so you can understand how important it is to take a nap to prevent Drowsy Driving. Not being mindful about this will make you end up caught by the police and go to jail

3. Do Daytime Driving as Much as Possible


While daytime truck driving is not applicable at all times, it is still recommended. Why?  Because it is after sunrise, we are awake, filled with energy, and ready to go.

Daytime is when we are awake because of our melatonin levels. Melatonin levels are the reasons also when you feel like taking a nap when it is rainy or cloudy outside.

When we are used to waking up early, basically, it is our internal clock that helps us stake awake when we are feeling drowsy.

4. Avoid Very Bright Light

This somewhat looks confusing, so let me explain. Driving during sunrise or sunset is dangerous. That’s why I’m focusing on the “just after” part. During these time frames, the sun can be blinding even with glasses on.

However, on a positive note, this also relates to staying awake while driving a truck. It signals our body to be naturally awake during these time frames. It makes our bodies want to be active.

5. Control Your Emotions

Not getting your emotions out of control is a big component in keeping you awake. Keep in mind that the more energy we spend, the quicker we will need to recharge. This is similar to a rechargeable battery. The more stress we put on the battery, the quicker it drains.

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If we are trucking down the road and you yell at whoever you are talking on your hand’s free device, you become distracted from driving. You are also using more energy at the same time. The higher the emotions you release, the quicker you become drowsy.

Moreover, when you are emotional, you tend to make irrational decisions. When these are mixed with being drowsy, you end up going on a roller coaster ride with Georgia Overdrive that will not be forgotten by many.

6. Cool Yourself

This may be new and different to you. But, let me tell you that this tip is effective.

To do this, make the interior of your truck as cold as it can be. Make it intensely cold until you get goosebumps. This is not something you would want to do for long periods.

Now, you may ask, “Are you sure? I think cold temperatures can actually make me drowsy. How is that so?”

The thing here is a brief moment (a couple of minutes at most) of cold AC air blowing on you can wake you up. This is because it can spark some chills that will wake your senses.

7. Heat Up Yourself

This tip is in opposition to the previous one. Here, you will crank the heater upon its full blast. The hotter, the better. However, this may not be ideal for everyone as someone feels sleepy in sweltering conditions.

For most people, hot air feels uncomfortable and annoying. It becomes even more unbearable when tired. So, it still depends if you think this is workable for you or not.

This actually helps as it changes the temperature between your core body and the exposed temperature. When we feel this temperature beyond our core body, we become awake.

8. Reducing Too Much Noise

Our brains find it difficult to process too many sounds. What happens is that it causes us to have a short temperament, which we are trying to avoid from above number 5.

To avoid feeling annoyed, try to reduce all the noises to a tolerable level as much as possible. When you do this, you put yourself back in check.

Through this, you are not wasting energy, trying to ignore unwanted noises. The end result is that you can save energy to stay awake longer.

9. Pump Up the Music

Let’s go the opposite of #8. Well, many times, driving a truck can be very dull. Worsening the boredom can make you drowsy. So how to oppose that?

Blast up your favorite music, and enjoy it. But make sure that you can still hear the sirens outside. Crank it up, but be safe.

10. Sing Your Hearts Out!

Singing while listening to your favorite music is another way to become active and awake. Also, singing along magnets that second wind of energy you’ve been waiting for.

So, take your mind off the boredom and sing to remove that negative vibes you are engulfed in.

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11. Check the Medications You Are Taking

Before going for a long drive, be sure to check with your doctor. That way, you can confirm if your prescriptions are safe to take while driving long distances.

Though most medications come along with detailed information, it would still be best to consult your doctor to ensure you are doing the right thing.

12. Check Your Vitamins Too

Aside from asking the safety of your medications to your doctor, it would be wise to ask also about their thoughts if you are taking Vitamin D and Vitamin B while driving long distances.

Your doctor knows better if you can mix any of this while on your prescriptions. Both vitamins B and D provide and boost you with energy levels. When you combine these two proportionately, it’s like you are boosting the energy twice, which may or may not be good for you.

Though these may seem good to take whenever you are feeling drowsy, it is still not recommended to take these without doctor’s recommendation.

13. Consume Candies in Moderation

Candies have pros and cons. For the cons, candies may result in a sugar crash at some point. Taking this can make you hyper at first then knocked out cold after.

Take the children, for example. Giving them a bag of candy can make them run around, laugh, giggle, scream, and repeat it all over again. Later, you will see them knocked out cold.

Candies can also do this to truck drivers. However, if you are desperate to drive, then grabbing the biggest handful of candy can make you awake.

Anyway, sugar high is not automatically equal to a sugar crash. Just make sure you have water with you to drink after.

14. Eat a Healthy Snack

A healthy snack is a good alternative to eating candies. A good suggestion would be mixing a small amount of a trail mix or anything that’s 100 calories.

Small bits of veggies like carrots or fruit salad, finger foods, celery, and pickles fall into this category.

15. Keep Your Mouth Busy

If you can find any food that would cause you to work at eating it without needing to use your hands, then perfect! By keeping your mouth busy, you are keeping your mind alert at the same time.

Items like chewing gum and candies can keep your mouth moving. This will make your mind alert and focused on the main task at hand.

16. Eat Moderately

Eating too much can make you pass out or have to use the restroom minutes to hours later. It may not be happening to everyone, but this can be possible.

Now, if you think that keeping your mouth moving is your least option to keep awake, then consider having a phone conversation with your friends or family. Doing this is one of the best ways to help yourself stay awake longer. It can take your mind off of being bored.

17. Drink a Cup of Coffee

Coffee is known to stimulate energy levels and awareness. Drinking this can give you an energy bonus similar to awakening from a power nap.

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18. Open a Bit of Your Window

Opening your window a little bit is the moment to tell yourself that you need to pull off the highway. That way, you can get out of the truck and do some stretching and jumping jacks to kick start your energy levels.

White noise mixed with fresh air when driving greatly helps to stay awake while on the road trip. That constant sound regulates you to give your body a break from sitting for several hours driving.

19. Get Out Your Wheels and Do Some Stretching

As you get to the park, get out of the vehicle, and stretch at least a little. Doing this can help you regain blood circulation. It will also re-energize the different areas of the body.

20. Hydrate Often

It’s now time to hydrate after stretching and regaining energy from driving. Hydrating yourself feels like you just acquired a new set of energized batteries. This goes most, especially if your drink is cold and high in electrolytes.

21. Learn the Breathing Techniques

Breathing techniques are essential. Doing this for a short period of time can boost your energy levels temporarily. Another benefit also is that it helps you to maintain mental control of the situation when the situation begins to take place.

To do this, you need to take a deep breath, hold it for a second, then exhale. Repeat these 5 to 7 times. After, you can feel that your energy has boosted enough to drive again.

22. Schedule a Trip Plan

Even though there are GPs and other fun stuff these days, scheduling your trip is still an ideal thing to do. Planning when you are going to stop to eat when to stop for the night, and all in between.

When you do this, you can schedule yourself in a way that helps you keep optimal awareness, energy levels, and all the good things that go along with these. By scheduling your road trip, you can do other things you want to do throughout the day.

In your trip plan, you can write down a couple of “just in cases” between your planned stops. You can power nap for about 40 minutes and drink a bit of coffee.


The best way is to know the best one for you is to try all of these. Keep the tips that work for you and eliminate that do not. Over time, you will learn which ones keep you awake longer than others.

At the end of the day, you are the only person that knows the degree of your tiredness. So, whenever you feel this, find time to pause and do any of the tips I discussed above.

Keep in mind that your acquired CDL pays your bills, so do everything to be safe and continue your travels day by day. Use these 22 safety tips to help you stay awake and make your trucking a positive one.

Joel Curtis

Joel Curtis from Texas is a 30-year veteran in the trucking industry. He's driven refrigerated, flatbed, tankers, intermodals and more. You can find him as the primary author at America's Driving Force and at industry events.

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