Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Successful Truck Driver?

One of the most common struggles we see is the never-ending problem that new drivers go through when trying to determine which trucking company to start out with. 

As starters, they seldom realize what it is that they need to be asking. I’m hoping that through this article, I can help some of you break this process down into something useful and helpful when faced with starting a new career as a professional truck driver.

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The Problem With Online Research

When we decide to get started in our pursuit of the truck driving career, one of the first things we do is to get online and start doing some research. What do we find? We find a bunch of complainers who have nothing but bad things to say about all of the trucking companies who are willing to hire inexperienced drivers.

They make it sound as if there were some collusion and national conspiracy among the largest trucking companies. They all seem willing and eager to take advantage of the never-ending supply of ignorant and unsuspecting newbies looking to take their shot at this rewarding career.

These seemingly knowledgeable persons are on almost every web page we look at. Their experiences are common that it is convincing that we need to be wary of getting taken advantage of.

It becomes obvious that the only way we can avoid being scammed and used as cheap labor is to pick the right company to start with. On our site, you can see various blogs about the list of trucking companies from different states. They are all reliable and treat drivers with dignity and respect.

The Truth about Getting Started as a New Truck Driver

The truth about being a new trucker is that you are the one to determine whether you will or will not be successful in this career.

If this is really true, then what should we be working over when we are trying to get this career started? Well, it certainly wouldn’t be which company to start with. It should be an answer to this question: “Do I have what it takes to be a successful truck driver?”

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You can name any company you think is the best to start your career with, and I can easily find a host of bad reviews about that as well. Or I could just go to any truck stop and find one of their drivers who would warn you to not attempt working with them.

So, what does this teach you?

It teaches you that, if you want to be successful in trucking, you need to be responsible for your own results.

This is the first place to start your search.

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Proving Yourself is Essential at Any Trucking Company

When a driver does well at one company, and the other one does poorly at the same company, then who should we lay the blame? At times, you will find one driver fails while another is successful and they were both with the same dispatcher. This is a personal problem, and if it is you who is in a failing situation, then you need to resolve it. When you focus all your energy on finding the right company to start with, then you ignore that one thing that really matters for your success.

If you want to be successful at trucking, you need to look in the mirror and determine that your worth once you are hired as a new driver. Most companies make an educated guess when hiring a new driver. Upon submitting your application, they studied it well and willing to give you a shot based on some clues they recognized that might indicate you have the potential to survive. That’s what holds them onto. They take a chance on you, and it’s all up to you to prove you are worthy.

The Expectations for New Drivers are Low

Low expectations are just some of the realities of this career.  Know that to become a professional driver, you need to continue your career as a driver. So, let’s talk about the things that make you prone to success in this career.

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Trucking Is Performance-Based

Be careful with your expectations. Trucking is a very competitive business in many ways. Some of the typical expectations of new drivers are that choosing the right company will get you a lot of miles and make good money. This is wrong!

Everything about trucking is based on your performance. As a new driver, you have no track record yet. As a new driver, you need to establish your worth. You need to be consistently safe, productive, and on time.

Communicate Well with Dispatch

You need to communicate effectively with dispatch so that they know your availability and how you are making progress on each step of your load. Most of you have expectations when you start this career, and it is important that you need to understand the realities you will face.

Be a Problem Solver

This is another thing that causes many people to lose in this career. Most of the newbies are accustomed to jobs where they have a manager or a supervisor present to ensure that things go along as efficiently as possible. When there’s a problem, you can just let the manager know about it and then it is off of their shoulders and on the person who is getting paid the big bucks to handle stuff like that.

Don’t be this type who can’t solve problems on his own. You need to learn this skill, understand its importance, and develop this early.

Be Prepared For The High Level Of Commitment Trucking Demands

Being a hardworking person is another characteristic that a driver should have. You need to understand that this career requires long erratic hours. Your dispatcher would expect you of this so you need to maximize your available hours. 

You make money by moving freight. Some drivers are allowed to drive 70 hours in an eight-day period. This is equivalent to almost two full-time jobs each week.

Get Along Well With People

A truck driver should be easy to work and get along with. This career attracts many hard-headed people. Some find working here okay as they don’t have to be bothered with other people around them. This job has many solitudes to it. However, you still need to know how to socialize if you want to succeed in this job.

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There are times when you will go to thinking that everyone is pushing you around with your dispatcher and your customers. As a result, you feel that you are being ignored and not getting accomplishments out here.

But remember that there is a way to get things done even in a challenging environment. You need to understand the dynamics of the situation and know how to adjust yourself in the heat of the moment. 

Learn To Manage Your Time Efficiently

Being efficient with your time management is another thing that you need to learn. There is a lot to this part of the career. You are not only taking on a new job but in reality, it is an entirely new lifestyle that you must adapt to. 

Even just finding the time for meals, showers, laundry, and other things can be challenging for a new driver. There are daily challenges to face to manage your time out here. You are having to get things accomplished on tight schedules.

This is an important skill that each new driver must learn to develop as he works his way toward building a solid relationship with his dispatcher. This is an area where you can have an edge above the other drivers on your fleet once you get the hang of it. 

One thing that helps a person in this area is to understand the logbook rules. By just being creative on how to make the most of the rules, you can make yourself out to be the leading on the team. Every dispatcher loves a driver who knows how to maximize his use of his available hours.

Now, did you notice how none of these has anything to do with the company to become successful? Think hard about it. Don’t waste your time fretting about which company you’re going to work with.

Remember that performance and your attitude will determine your path in this career.

You will measure out your own degree of success. Don’t listen to the naysayers. Your performance says it all.

This is the first place to start your search.

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Joel Curtis

Joel Curtis from Texas is a 30-year veteran in the trucking industry. He's driven refrigerated, flatbed, tankers, intermodals and more. You can find him as the primary author at America's Driving Force and at industry events.

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