How Much Does CDL Training Cost? (Yikes!)

The cost to obtain a CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) or CLP (which is a Commercial Learning Permit) varies by the state of issuance and in a lot of cases the city and school you attend, the type of training you get and the respective class and whether endorsements or restrictions exist.

You thought it was a simple answer didn’t you?

Well, to help save you time, we have partnered with training programs nationwide with the best prices. Enter your information here to get a quote {Insert Link}.

What Does CDL Training Cost?

CDL training and trucking school costs are between $2,000 and $10,000 with most ranging in the $5000-$6000 category (yikes!).

Is it worth it? Certainly. Truck driving is a job that will be around for the foreseeable future and provides a stable income with lots of demand.

If you think about the costs for traditional education and training, you would be paying a lot more without certainty of any kind of job, however once you obtain your CDL permit, you can start finding jobs almost immediately as they are specialized and always in demand.

The good news? You can get paid CDL training.

This is the first place to start your search.

Submit your information below to find employers and CDL training schools near you.

How To Get Paid CDL Training

There are many company-sponsored CDL training programs available. All that means is that a company will pay the education costs for you, and offer you attractive job opportunities, as long as you commit to them.

These trucking companies want to ensure you will be putting in the work for them in return so you will have to sign a contract.

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Want access to a paid CDL training program? Fill in this form and get a call from one in your local area >>

One thing you should be mindful of is that it’s best to choose a company that fits what you’re looking to achieve. Look beyond just a job and consider the hours, the salary, the bonus, the team, culture and values and whether it’s a company you see yourself working with for a long time.

The Advantage Of A Paid CDL program

Think of it like a job incubator. When you are sponsored by a company, they are investing time and resources into you.

Driving a truck, transport or bus is not easy. You may make mistakes, come across traffic violations, log too many hours, miss deadlines etc

Do you think the company that sponsored you will let you go that easily? For us, it’s an obvious NO!

Building a strong employee requires leadership, time and training. It’s a skill that you will need to learn and when you decide to choose a paid CDL program, you are investing in your career and your future.

Joel Curtis

Joel Curtis from Texas is a 30-year veteran in the trucking industry. He's driven refrigerated, flatbed, tankers, intermodals and more. You can find him as the primary author at America's Driving Force and at industry events.

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